Here at NYHD, our audiologists believe that every hearing aid user should be an expert hearing aid user! To set you up for long-term success, we’ll have four scheduled appointments over the first 45 days, refining the sound you hear for comfort and personal preference as well as clinical accuracy. Based on the rigorous best-practice standards of the img Network, we’re here to make sure that your hearing technology supports the life you’re actively living!

Our 45-Day Sequence



We’ll deliver devices programmed to your exact hearing loss, set up your smartphone app and do initial verification of your devices in a controlled environment before sending you out to experience other environments with their own unique sonic experiences.



We’ll review your data logs from your first few days, tailoring your baseline settings to account for what you’ve experienced in various environments and how you’d like to experience sound.



As you develop increasing comfort with the devices and, in some cases, multiple modes, you and your doctor will continue to fine-tune your experience, reviewing maintenance and making sure you’re getting the most from your devices.



You and your doctor will reconvene for additional testing and verification of your devices, making small adjustments and setting you on a course for long-term success!



The only constant is change, and we want to make those changes with you! When you get your devices, you’ll choose between a 1-year or a 3-year continued support plan, and we’ll make sure your devices are always calibrated to meet you where you are.


By seeing our new Hearing Aid users early and often, our patients develop comfort quickly and determine their preferences precisely, ensuring that these devices can seamlessly become part of a life in progress!

Throughout the fitting process, your audiologist will follow the img Network’s best practices; some tests may even be run at multiple appointments to measure improvement at no additional cost.  These tests can include Real Ear Measurement (REMs) for verification, Speech-in-noise testing (QuickSIN), and additional aided testing, and the doctor will select these based on your results, your experience and your goals.

By seeing you early and often, you’ll develop comfort quickly and determine your preferences precisely, ensuring that these devices can seamlessly become part of the life you’re living!


Exactly what will be done in each appointment?

Within the 45 day fitting sequence, that can be tailored to each individual patient! While we are committed to the best practices of the HearingUp Network, were able to use every tool at our disposal to test and make adjustments as needed. These can include aided hearing tests, speech recognition, probe mic verification in addition to review of the data logged on your devices.

Why 4 appointments? Why 45 days?

While we can certainly address the sound of hearing aids in the office, a controlled environment like an audiology office doesnt test the hearing aids the way that real life does! Over 45 days, youre likely to encounter situations large and small that youll want to address, and our sequence guarantees the opportunity to talk about everything. Whether its making sure you have a dedicated restaurant mode, changing the way you take phone calls or simply going over cleaning instructions, were here for you!

What if I need more appointments?

The 45-day fitting sequence is normally four appointments, but any additional needs that require appointments in the first 45 days will be accommodated at no original charge! Were here to make experts out of our patients, and were ready to put in the effort.

Is the 45 day fitting sequence optional?

The sequence is not optional, because best practices arent optional! Weve built this sequence to encompass a full list of best practices that are known to our industry as necessary for maximum benefit from your devices! There are places in life to cut corners, but your care at NYHD is not one of them. Were here to support your success, and it starts with a commitment to you!

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