How to Keep Your Hearing Aids Dry During the Summer Months

As the summer season approaches in New York, protecting your hearing aids from environmental factors becomes critically important for maintaining their longevity and functionality. In a very understandable attempt to cool down, many users face issues related to water damage during the warmer months. But there is no need to worry because NYHD Institute for Your Hearing & Balance is here to guide you through the process of keeping your hearing aids dry and functioning optimally throughout the sweltering New York summer.

Is My Hearing Aid Waterlogged?

Water can sneak into your devices in numerous ways–through perspiration, sudden downpours, or inadvertent submersion while swimming. While hearing aids are not invincible to water damage, no matter the precautions we take to protect them, they can and should be safeguarded nonetheless. Before we dive into the preventative measures and solutions, let’s first decode the signs of a waterlogged hearing aid.

Common signs include:

  • distorted sounds
  • decreased volume
  • complete refusal of the device to turn ON.

Key Steps to Avoid Moisture Damage

The old proverb is true: prevention is indeed better than cure. Here at the NYHD Institute for Hearing & Balance, located in the heart of New York, we believe in equipping our patients with simple yet effective preventive measures so they can enjoy properly functioning hearing aids all through the summer. Listed below are a few tips to keep in mind:

Store your hearing aids in a dry place: Keep your hearing devices in a dry and cool place, especially when you’re not using them.

Use a hearing aid dehumidifier: This simple device can help in removing the moisture from your hearing aids. Just a few hours in a dehumidifier can make a significant difference.

Physical protection: Always take off your hearing aids before swimming, showering, or other activities where they can get wet. Even during a workout session, consider using a sweatband to prevent excessive perspiration from reaching your device.

The key to consistent and efficient performance is regular maintenance of your hearing aids. A minimum effort of wiping the exterior of your hearing aid with a dry cloth can go a long way in maintaining its longevity.

What to Do If Your Hearing Aid Gets Wet?

If, despite your best efforts, your hearing aids get exposed to water, quick action can save the day. Here’s what you can do:

  • Immediately remove the battery and keep the battery compartment open to allow air circulation.
  • Use a dry cloth to wipe the outer area.
  • Invest in a hearing aid drying kit or use a dehumidifier if available.
  • Do not use a hairdryer or other heated devices, as it can cause further damage. Air drying is ideal.

If the problems persist, seek professional help at your nearest NYHD Institute for Hearing & Balance. Our skilled team of professionals is at your service, prepared to offer solutions and recommendations. After all, your hearing aids aren’t just devices – they are important facets of your daily communication.

Schedule a Consultation

We hope these tips will help you enjoy your summer worry-free and with great sound quality. To learn more, schedule a consultation by filling out an online contact form.  As always, we are here at NYHD Institute for your Hearing & Balance, standing by to assist in the care and maintenance of your hearing aids throughout all the dramatic New York seasons.