Most times, you don’t think about balance and position when you do normal, everyday tasks. This is because your sense of balance is a refined and delicate process that takes little toll on your awareness. If you struggle with balance or have a vestibular disorder, however, it can affect almost everything you do.

Balance problems often cause symptoms like involuntary eye movements, dizzy spells, vision problems, irregular head movements, and a spinning sensation when moving or at rest. These things, especially in community dwelling older adults, can come with an increased fall risk, making vestibular problems an important health concern to treat.

Treatments like vestibular rehabilitation therapy can help stimulate the vestibular nerve and retrain your central nervous system and treat medical conditions in the inner ear such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) to help you maintain balance. At NHYD, we don’t just treat symptoms – we help you explore the most advanced therapies and pair you with a physical therapist to lower your risk of falling and build muscle strength. Our goal is to help your sensory system and vestibular systems function as needed so you don’t have to live with balance problems.

With a comprehensive assessment and diagnosis from our Doctors of Audiology, we can recommend the right treatments and therapies for you. We offer the following balance-related services:

Our Doctors of Audiology and physical therapy specialists can fully assess your concerns and learn more about our unique clinical practice guideline. Whether you can benefit from vestibular rehabilitation therapy, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo treatment, and more, our team will treat you with the respect and dignity you deserve.

If you’re looking to improve your balance ability and reduce symptoms from vestibular disorders, our Doctors of Audiology can help. To meet with us, contact our New York City office by calling or filling out our online form.

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