Balance is an extremely important part of your everyday life, even if you don’t notice it. If you have a vestibular disorder, however, it can make regular tasks much more difficult. From getting out of bed to navigating a room to seeing clearly, vestibular disorders such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) can take a toll. Sometimes, these symptoms can even cause secondary problems like nausea, difficulty concentrating, and chronic fatigue. There are a lot of treatment methods for vestibular disorders that vary in effectiveness, but vestibular rehabilitation is one that can help you learn to adjust.

At NYHD, we understand that vestibular disorders not only affect your quality of life but can put you at risk of injury or falls. We’ve created a multi-disciplinary, collaborative approach to assessing and managing balance disorders. That’s why we partner with you, your physician, and vestibular physical therapists to create a comprehensive assessment and treatment plan.

What is Vestibular Rehabilitation?

The goal of vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is a type of physical therapy to help accelerate your body’s ability to compensate for a vestibular dysfunction. Normally, this occurs on its own but at a much slower pace. With some targeted therapies, vestibular rehabilitation can tap into the ability of the central nervous system to relearn and improve vestibular function using other senses, helping maintain balance, eye movements, and postural control. It usually includes some vestibular rehabilitation exercises to help reduce imbalance or vertigo and the chance of falls or injuries through things like habituation exercises, gaze stability exercises, and balance training.

The Importance of Vestibular Rehabilitation at NYHD

NYHD (New York Hearing Doctors) | Institute for Hearing & Balance comprises empathetic and experienced Doctors of Audiology. The audiologists at NYHD deal with everything from performing comprehensive diagnostics to assisting their patients to choose…


When the vestibular organs of the inner ear change or lose function, strange symptoms can surface in the everyday lives of those affected by this rare but troubling disorder. These dizziness symptoms like include random bouts of vertigo, sudden motion intolerance, and a head-spinning sensation. Vestibulopathy has many causes but is most often linked to illness, injury, and infections.

This condition makes simple, everyday tasks much more difficult, if not dangerous, which is why people who suffer from these or other difficult-to-diagnose symptoms should seek treatment from a qualified audiologist. Vestibular rehabilitation therapy under the care of the doctors at NYHD can help alleviate these symptoms to help make your life easier.

Why is Vestibular Rehabilitation Important?

Vestibular therapy can help accelerate the rate at which you can return to your regular lifestyle. This means it can help to reduce the symptoms that prevent you from living your life the way you want. Additionally, vestibular rehabilitation outcomes focus on full-body wellness and overall health which can help to reduce symptoms, pain, and other medical conditions that might be contributing to a vestibular disorder. Vestibular rehabilitation is usually performed by expert therapists who can target your unique deficiencies and create the right treatment plan for you.

Vestibular Rehabilitation FAQs

Can anxiety cause vestibular problems?

Although not proven to be the cause of vertigo or other vestibular disorders, elevated levels of hormones released when stressed can further inhibit vestibular function

Can I drive with a vestibular disorder?

Patients with vestibular disorders may have increased difficulty driving safely, although they are free to choose to do so.

Can physical therapy for vertigo make it worse?

Although at first physical therapy may trigger or worsen a vestibular disorder, with regular practice, the brain learns to recalibrate disordered signals and lessen symptoms in the long run.

Can stress cause vestibular disorders?

Elevated stress levels and panic or anxiety disorders are associated with vestibular disorders.

Can stress make BPPV worse?

Because stress causes a buildup of the hormone cortisol, which is known to negatively impact the vestibular system, stress can make it more likely for someone to develop BPPV.

Can the vestibular nerve repair itself?

The brain can recalibrate to interpret incorrect signals from the vestibular nerve, but its healing ability is limited, and may require vestibular rehabilitation to help.

Do vestibular disorders go away?

A majority of vestibular disorders will go away on their own, but some patients will require treatment.

Do vestibular rehabilitation exercises work?

Vestibular rehabilitation exercises are effective in treating issues like vertigo, dizziness, or visual disturbance.

Does vestibular therapy make you dizzy?

It is common to feel dizzy for about 48 hours after vestibular therapy.

How do I know if I have a vestibular disorder?

Some common symptoms of a vestibular disorder include dizziness, vertigo, or imbalance. You may also experience tinnitus, hearing loss, nausea, or cognitive impairment.

What are some of the exercises done in vestibular rehabilitation?

During vestibular rehabilitation, some of the exercises you can expect include gaze stabilization, balance training, and habituation (repetitive exposure).

What issues can vestibular rehabilitation address?

Vestibular rehabilitation can address a number of concerns, including balance issues and dizziness, as well as associated symptoms like nausea, migraines, lightheadedness, blurring vision, and motion sensitivity.

Who performs vestibular rehabilitation?

Vestibular physical therapists are the professionals who perform vestibular rehabilitation. We will refer you to our network of experts and experienced therapists who can help you.

How long should I go to vestibular rehabilitation?

How long you need to go to vestibular rehabilitation depends on your needs, but you can expect to start to see some relief four to six weeks after your first appointment.

What Can I Expect at NYHD?

At NYHD, we can perform a comprehensive balance assessment to get an accurate baseline and diagnosis for your symptoms. There can be many different causes of vestibular disorders, so our Doctors of Audiology can work with your healthcare team to find the right treatment options for you. If we believe you might benefit from vestibular rehabilitation, we can refer you to our network of expert vestibular physical therapists. We can also recommend the right at-home steps to help supplement your vestibular exercises like yoga or tai chi to strengthen your body and increase mobility. As always, our Doctors of Audiology are here to perform hearing and balance assessments so you can get the right treatment you need.

"First time here and right away I could tell the doctors and staff were welcoming and professional! Great team and convenient location!"

Schedule a Consultation

Your first step in finding an effective treatment for your dizziness and balance problems is a quick and easy balance assessment with our expert Doctors of Audiology. From there, we can look at your possible causes and recommend the right vestibular rehabilitation program for you. To schedule a consultation with our Doctors of Audiology, contact our New York City office by calling (212) 784-6125 or filling out our online form.