The Importance of Real Ear Measurements When Fitting Hearing Aids

Differently shaped ear canals create different acoustic outcomes, making no two ears the same. For this simple reason, it is critical to measure what hearing aids are amplifying for every person. Few hearing healthcare professionals will take the time to make these important measurements, but real ear measurements are a standard element of NYHD’s Blueprint Method for fitting prescriptive hearing aids. If you want to ensure your hearing aids meet all prescriptive targets, our Doctors of Audiology always recommend undergoing real ear measurements.
How We Conduct Real Ear Measurements
A thin, flexible microphone is placed comfortably in the ear canal to measure the sound levels as they are being emitted by your hearing aid. Our clinicians then monitor, in real-time, the exact level of sound your hearing aids are producing in your ears. This allows us to precisely modify the programming of your hearing aids to match your individual prescribed hearing targets.
Benefits of Real Ear Measurements
There are many benefits to obtaining accurate real ear measures, but the most foundational benefit is the fact that it is the only method to guarantee that your hearing aids are prescribed exactly for your hearing loss. This is why real ear measures are a critical element of our fitting process for all patients.
Schedule Your Hearing Test
At NYHD | Institute for Hearing & Balance, your health and the quality of your hearing is important to us. Schedule a hearing test today for yourself or a loved one by calling our office or on our website.