Better Hearing Month: The Importance of Hearing Screenings

May is Better Hearing Month and it’s the best time to refresh yourself on why hearing matters! This month, we encourage everyone to schedule a hearing assessment and remind their loved ones to do the same. At NYHD Institute for Hearing & Balance, our Doctors of Audiology can help you achieve better hearing and transform your quality of life. Here’s what to know about hearing screenings and what you can expect.
What is a Hearing Assessment?
A hearing screening is a complete set of tests performed by a Doctor of Audiology to determine if any hearing loss is present and to what degree. A hearing assessment simply establishes a baseline for further treatment of hearing loss and is the first step toward a more vibrant lifestyle. Many people don’t realize they have hearing loss until they begin to experience symptoms or a loved one encourages them to undergo testing.
What are the Symptoms of Hearing Loss?
It’s essential to know what symptoms of hearing loss to look for in yourself and your loved ones. Some of the most important symptoms that should point you toward a hearing assessment include:
- Difficulty hearing people clearly in noisy environments
- Needing to ask people to repeat themselves
- Difficulty keeping up with conversations, especially in groups
- Difficulty hearing the phone or television
- A sensation of ringing or buzzing
- Difficulty understanding what people are saying
Hearing loss can also cause feelings of isolation, depression, or anxiety. If you notice these behaviors or symptoms in your loved ones, it may be time to encourage them to get a hearing assessment.
Why Are Hearing Assessments Important?
Hearing assessments can help you get treatment for hearing loss sooner and avoid the low quality of life that can come with hearing loss. When you’re diagnosed with hearing loss and begin treatment, it can drastically improve your ability to function day-to-day, thrive in social situations, and enjoy the activities and events that bring you joy. As with any other medical test or assessment, catching a problem early can help you more quickly get back to your vibrant lifestyle.
Schedule an Appointment
This month, make your hearing a priority! Schedule a hearing assessment with our knowledgeable Doctors of Audiology today by calling our New York City office or filling out our contact form. What can you expect at your first hearing assessment? Read more here!