For better or worse, we live in a noisy world. But whether you prefer the loud chaos of an extended family gathering or the natural song of your alone time outdoors, you miss a lot when your hearing begins to decline. Hearing loss can present many different obstacles to your everyday life and dampen the depth and music you normally experience in a million different sounds.

At NYHD, we want you to live your best life and experience everything it has to offer. Whether it’s the song you loved in high school, crunchy leaves underfoot, or your life partner sleeping next to you, these moments count— and we believe that no one should wait until they’re gone before looking for effective treatment. With a hearing assessment, we can create a customized treatment plan for you that helps you and your loved ones get the best out of your experience in life.

Adult Hearing Assessment FAQs

How can I check my hearing at home?

There are many different online tests you can take to assess your hearing ability. Our Doctors of Audiology can recommend the best one for you during an appointment.

How can I improve hearing loss naturally?

Significant hearing loss should be addressed by an audiologist, but some natural ways to improve or maintain hearing can include exercise to strengthen the brain, vitamins that improve nerve function or ear health like folic acid, magnesium, or B vitamins, and seeing a doctor for ear wax blockage.

Are online hearing tests accurate?

Not always, as the type of equipment used varies widely, and such tests cannot be verified by an audiology professional.

At what age should hearing screening take place in older adults?

At NYHD we encourage people over the age of 50, or anyone experiencing changes in their hearing ability, to get regular hearing screenings to monitor any hearing loss and correct hearing problems if they arise.

Can earwax affect hearing test?

Yes, when earwax builds up deep in the ear canal, hearing ability and therefore the results of a hearing test can be affected. As part of any hearing test, we ensure your ear canals are clear before proceeding.

Do you need a referral to get a hearing test?

While its possible to get a hearing test without your doctors referral, some insurance plans require it before they cover the costs of a hearing test.

What are three warning signs of hearing loss?

Three common signs of hearing loss are muffled speech, difficulty understanding conversation in noisy places, and trouble hearing consonants.

Can you prove if you have tinnitus?

Your Doctor of Audiology can perform tests to determine if you have tinnitus. It can also be caused by underlying health causes, meaning your healthcare team can sometimes confirm it with other medical tests.

Does hearing loss feel like clogged ears?

A common sign of hearing loss is muffled speech and sounds, although this can also sometimes be caused by a buildup of earwax.

How do I know if my hearing is bad?

Some common signs of hearing loss include speech sounding muffled, difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds like birds, doorbells, or your alarm clock, difficulty understanding conversation in noisy places, and difficulty understanding people over the phone.

Does hearing loss make you talk louder?

Hearing loss can make it difficult to judge the volume of your own voice, leading to talking at a louder level than normal.

How do you assess hearing?

Hearing assessments involve wearing headphones to listen for various tones, speech, and noises, tympanometry to test the eardrums function, speech tests with an audiologist, and otoacoustic emissions tests to measure the ears response to noise.

How often should audiological evaluations for hearing impaired older adults take place?

It is generally recommended that adults have hearing tests at least once every ten years before age 50, once every three years after age 50, and more frequently if they have known hearing loss. Your audiologist will explain how frequently you should undergo testing.

How long will my assessment take?

Your hearing assessment can take around 30 minutes to complete. We’ll discuss your medical history and symptoms and then perform the hearing assessment.

Is there anything I should bring to my hearing assessment?

You’ll want to have your medical history and a list of medications you’re taking with you when you come in for your hearing assessment. If you’d like to write down your symptoms ahead of time, that can be helpful as well.

How do loud noises affect hearing loss?

Listening to loud noises over a period of time can overwork and put too much stress on hair cells in your ears and cause them to die, leading to hearing loss.

Do I need to get a hearing assessment done every year?

While an annual hearing test is recommended for most people to regularly check their hearing, a hearing assessment is typically done as the first step in treating hearing loss a patient has already noticed. A hearing assessment may need to be repeated every few years to determine how hearing loss has developed or changed, but it’s not something that needs to be done every year.


Hearing aids remain the most effective way to treat hearing loss, and getting the most out of them requires the expertise of a knowledgeable Doctor of Audiology. Like any other device, hearing aids need ongoing maintenance and calibration to work at their best. Learn more about your hearing aid options and the comprehensive experience you can find here at NYHD.

What is a Hearing Assessment?

A hearing assessment is a set of tests performed by a professional audiologist to determine if you’re experiencing hearing loss and how significantly. A hearing assessment is usually the first step in treatment for hearing loss because it gives us a baseline to tailor your treatment and hearing aids to your anatomy and needs. At NYHD, we can perform a battery of hearing tests to get a full assessment of your hearing health. Each is targeted to specific areas of the ear or types of hearing loss— there’s no need to worry, though, because each is perfectly painless. During a consultation, we’ll pick the tests that will help us get the best assessment of your hearing concerns.

Pure-Tone Testing

This test measures the range of frequencies you can hear using sounds from high to low frequency. It’s sometimes called audiometry, and it records your responsiveness to faint sounds that are administered through comfortable headphones.


This test measures your middle ear function and its important structures. This can include the eardrum and bones. It works by introducing various air pressures to see how the middle ear responds and check its integrity.

Speech Test

This test can sometimes be performed when another noise is present so that your audiologist can measure how well you can hear verbiage and sounds in a noisy, conversational environment. During this test, you’ll be asked to repeat back the words you’re hearing so we can measure how well you pick up on specific sounds in language.

Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs)

This test uses a probe that is gently placed in the ear canal to measure very quiet sounds that are created by your inner ear when responding to noise. If these sounds aren’t produced, it’s a good indicator that your inner ear is not responding to stimuli.

Why are high frequency sounds typically the first to go in hearing loss?

High-frequency hearing loss is a condition where people have difficulty hearing sounds between the 2,000 to 8,000 Hertz range. This means that certain high-frequency verbal sounds like ‘s’, ‘h’, or ‘f’, (the consonants) are more…

Why is a Hearing Assessment Important?

Although it might seem obvious, hearing tests are extremely important if you’ve been experiencing hearing loss. Unfortunately, many people don’t test for hearing loss as often as they should. This can lead to difficulties in everyday life— it can also be indicative of undiagnosed medical problems that include hearing loss as a symptom. The fact is, the sooner you undergo a hearing test, the more proactive we can be in treating your hearing loss and preventing further damage. Hearing loss has been linked to many serious health concerns later in life, so your first step is a simple hearing test with our audiologists.

What Can I Expect at NYHD?

To begin your hearing assessment, we’ll talk about any symptoms you’ve been having and why you opted for a hearing test. Many patients say that a loved one encouraged them to be tested or that they realized they have trouble hearing their television at a reasonable level. These things can be valuable in helping us determine your degree of hearing loss and what hearing aid will be best for you and your lifestyle. Once we’ve talked about your symptoms and difficulties, we’ll begin the tests. These assessments are quick, easy, and can be performed at our private, comfortable office. Once our audiologists have a report of your test results, we can review them and discuss the treatment options, hearing aids, and lifestyle changes that can benefit you best.

“It has been a real pleasure to be treated by NYHD. Her expertise in helping me to understand and feel comfortable with my hearing aids greatly put me at ease. She is patient and intuitive and takes the initiative to troubleshoot and make adjustments to my aids as needed. She has provided me with wonderful service.”

Schedule a Consultation

Although it can seem like a hassle to take care of your hearing health, it’s important to your overall health and quality of life. Fortunately, it requires an easy first step. We invite you to schedule a consultation with our audiologist who can perform a quick and easy assessment of your hearing and recommend your next treatment options. To schedule a consultation, call our New York City office or fill out our online form. Our helpful staff can help you find the appointment that works best for you.